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Distance from Valhalla B&B​
Dine at the Norseman Restaurant - Award winning fine dining gourmet food. (8km from Valhalla)
Kayaking (3 kms)
Adventure Boat Tour (3 kms) BOOK HERE!
UNESCO Viking Site- (7 kms)
Norstead Viking Village- (8kms)
Leif Eirikson Statue - (8kms) next to Norseman restaurant
Grenfell Heritage Museums (32 kms)
Beautiful Walking trails nearby
Iceberg and whale viewing from balcony
Skipper Hots pub- live music- (4kms )
Burnt Cape Ecological reserve and sea caves
1 1/2 hr walk total- (32kms)
Live Music at the Norseman on Friday nights. Free of charge. Come dine with us
Eye of Rock monster/ krypton sea cave just past Norstead- 1 hour walk total
Visit Triple Falls swimming area (30kms)
Beach comb and build sand castles . Lots of beaches in L'Anse aux Meadows.
Lots of hiking trails in L'Anse aux Meadows area
Dark Tickle expedition zodiac tours (5km)
Cafe Nymph Gift shop, ice cream shop and cafe in Griquet (8km)
Conche Tapestry
Lots of Icebergs and whales in the area

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